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History of JRM SYDNEY

Pioneering Years

How it all came to be.

By Grace.

Through Commitment.

“It has not been about how many we have become, but has always been about who we are becoming. God has been preparing us, leading us to go deeper, because strong trees don’t have shallow roots."

- Pastor Jeff

JRM Sydney is one of the youngest amongst the International Satellite Churches of the Jesus Reigns Ministries in the Philippines of which has been in existence for over 33 years. We were tagged as the “Nameless and the Faceless Church.” 


March 2014 was the start of our church operations but many have not heard and had not known that long before that, prayers were already being uttered and seeds were already being sown. Before the birth was the conception. I believe this is truly a church that has been conceived from the heart and mind of the Lord. A vision imparted and caught by those who eventually carried and nurtured it in prayers. Became willing, available, & ready to carry-out that vision. 


A handful of us in this place would well remember that night of commissioning, a night of prayer, of tears falling down, of faith rising up. By God’s design, our paths crossed. And then we found ourselves pioneering His church. Building a throne of praise for His renown.

 ZECH 4:10 



From parks, to homes, to the bushlands of Simmos Beach Reserve, we held our first Sunday Worship Services. With the promise of the Lord and the assurance of His Presence with us, we pressed on as we transferred from one community hall to another. Nine, ten, eleven people, few or many, it didn’t matter. We sung our hearts out. We worshipped together, prayed together, devoted our time to study His Word, believed and encouraged each other. And though we were doing it with fear, we left our comfort zones and started walking on water. 


On March 2014, we were officially registered as a church association in Australia, a land that God has divinely positioned for us to proclaim His unstoppable love. There were seasons of brokenness, but those were seasons precious in the eyes of the Lord for in it we were being forged. In the hidden places and in the obscure, there is depth, there is intimacy, there is growth. Like a seed planted in the dark and the cold & the dirt of the soil, the dying-to-self sprang forth life. 


From transient halls to a year of incubation in the Office Space of Lyn Parade, we continued to dream. Whenever our hearts felt discouraged God continued to pour in clear promises and admonitions from His Word..

Isaiah 54:2-3


2 “Enlarge the site of your tent [to make room for more children];


Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them;


Lengthen your tent ropes And make your pegs (stakes) firm [in the ground].


3 “For you will spread out to the right and to the left;

Each year, God kept on adding, sending, raising His children, one after the other. Divine Connections. God-ordained friendships were formed. We knew in our hearts that God was fortifying this church family for His mission. Salvation after salvation. Restoration after restoration. Healing after healing. Every meeting was just filled with wonder and a sense of expectation that we are going somewhere.


All we needed to do is to TRUST Him fully. Ordinary men and women, none of us fully adept, have put our hands on the plow, not turning back. And as we scattered seeds, watered them, in the prevailing power of the Holy Spirit, God caused them to grow.  

Isaiah 60:22


"The smallest family will become a thousand people,


and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation.


At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”

Slow but steady and with strong growth, this was what God was doing. In the process, it has not been about how many we have become, but it has always been about WHO we were becoming. God has been preparing us, leading us to go deeper, because strong trees don’t have shallow roots.


We are His church. We are a growing family put together by the Lord to journey this life and fulfil the Great Commission; seeing people know God, find Freedom, Discover Purpose and Make a Difference in this world pointing to the ultimate source and meaning of LIFE. We take heart. We stay the course as more Families are blessed, communities transformed, the poor and the hurting restored, and the next generation discipled until He comes again.

It is our commitment and our invitation for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear - to join us - to follow the Light of the world - the one who said “I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it.” - JESUS who reigns forever and ever.

Pastor Jeffrey Lintag

Sunday Service: 10am

Sunday Kids Church: 10am

Tuesday Prayer Room:  7:30 pm

Friday Youth FNL: 7pm
Monthly Tarrying: 1st Fridays 7:30pm

Bible Study Groups:  Locations (click here)

Schedule of Events:

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